Common Posture Mistakes and How to Fix Them
In the course of life, most people experience one or two posture errors. The result is pain and tension, which are usually caused by poor sitting and standing habits. Here we show you some common posture mistakes and how to correct them with strength and stretching exercises.
Every beginning is unfamiliar
Correcting your posture can feel uncomfortable at first because your body has become so used to sitting and standing in a certain way. But with a little practice, good posture becomes second nature and is an important step in relieving your back in the long term. Speaking of back pain, if you suffer from it, just improving your posture is unlikely to fix the cause of the pain, but it can help relieve muscle tension.
Sitting crooked on a chair or armchair
Sitting crooked on an armchair or chair, also known as slouching, does not always cause discomfort, but over time this position can put stress on already sensitised muscles and soft tissues. This strain can then increase the tension in the muscles, which in turn causes pain.
Get into the habit of sitting correctly. It may not feel comfortable at first because your muscles are not used to it, but it pays off in the long run.
When slouching, exercises to strengthen your core and gluteal muscles, as well as back extensions, help correct a hanging posture.
Exercises/movements to correct a bad sitting posture:
- Bridge
- Back extensor
- Plank
- Find out how to adjust your office seat, desk, and devices to improve your sitting posture.
Stick out your bum!
If you tend to stick your bum out or have a pronounced curve in your lower back, you may be suffering from hyperlordosis. This is an exaggerated inward curve of the lower back that creates a "Donald Duck posture". This poor posture is encouraged by wearing high heels, excessive weight around the abdomen and pregnancy.
Exercises to strengthen the core and buttocks, stretches of the hip flexors and thighs, and conscious efforts to correct your standing posture are recommended in this case to correct a protruding buttocks.
Exercises / measures to correct a "Donald Duck Posture":
- Plank
- Laterally lying leg extensions
- Hip flexor stretches
- Standing thigh stretch
To correct this posture, imagine that there is a string attached to your head that is pulling you upward. The idea is to keep your body in perfect alignment, maintaining the natural curve of your spine, with your neck straight and your shoulders parallel to your hips:
- Keep your shoulders back and relaxed
- Draw in your stomach
- Keep your feet about hip-width apart
- Distribute your weight evenly on both feet
- Try not to tilt your head forward, backward, or to one side
- Keep your legs straight but your knees relaxed
Stand with your back flat
A flat back means your pelvis is collapsed and your lower back is straight instead of naturally curved, which causes you to bend forward. People with flat backs often find it difficult to stand for long periods of time because it is extremely stressful for them.
The main reason for this posture is usually a muscular imbalance. Sitting for long periods of time can also contribute to a flat back. A person with a flat back also tends to lean the neck and head forward, which can lead to tension in the neck and upper back.
To correct a flat back, exercises to strengthen the core, buttocks, neck and shoulder muscles, and back extensors are recommended.
Exercises to correct a flat back:
- Plank
- Leg extension lying on the side
- Chest extensions
- Pull-ups
- Back extensor
A hunchback is usually a sign that the person making it has a tight chest and a weak upper back. Over time, this type of posture can help you develop a rounded upper back, which can lead to stiffness in your shoulders and upper back.
Often times, when you sit hunched over a computer, your head has a tendency to lean forward, which can lead to poor posture. Using a mobile phone can cause similar problems. The neck is particularly stressed here. Since the neck is one of the most flexible but also the most sensitive part of the spine, this can lead to serious problems in the long term.
Upper back, neck, and back shoulder strengthening exercises, chest stretches and neck posture exercises are recommended to correct a hunched back.
Exercises to correct a hunched back:
- gently lengthening the neck upward while tucking in the chin
- Pull-ups
- Chest extensions
Put your chin out
The receding chin position can be caused by sitting too low, with a screen set too high, a hunched back, or a combination of all of these factors. Correcting this posture involves improving your own sitting habits and doing posture correcting exercises.
How to correct an often protruding chin:
- gently straighten your neck upward while folding your chin
- bring the shoulder blades down and back to the spine
- Tense your lower abs to get a natural curve in your lower back
- Adjust your seat
Round shoulders
You can tell whether you have rounded shoulders by standing in front of a mirror and letting your arms hang naturally at your sides. If your ankles are pointing forward, it can be an indication that you have a tight chest and weak upper back, which can make the shoulders appear rounded.
Round shoulders are typically caused by poor posture, muscular imbalances, and too much focus on certain exercises, such as: B. Too much focus on strengthening the chest while neglecting the upper back.
Exercises to strengthen the core, upper back, and chest muscles will help correct round shoulders:
- Plank
- bridges
- Pull-ups
- Chest stretches
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