Care4mypet - Bach Flower Globules for Animals
Highly effective, radionically informed globules flower mixtures
When our animals suffer, we owners suffer with them! In everyday life in particular, our four-legged friends repeatedly encounter small stumbling blocks and problems that have to be mastered. In order to give you the best possible support here, Care4mypet has made it a priority for its business to provide a solution for exactly this. The solution was quickly found and the company set about producing radionically informed globules flower mixtures (Bach flower globules) and herbal powders for food supplements. Each product is specially tailored to the needs of the respective animal and is based on years of experience in the field of animal energy. Environmental influences, everyday stress, noise and hectic pace will no longer be a stress factor for your animal in the future.
Care4mypet: 9 items
Care4mypet Arnica C30 Globules - Cats & Dogs, 10 g
- Simply & easily add to your pet's food
- Sucrose-based globules
Care4mypet Bach Flowers Anti-Stress - Horses, 100 g
- Use several times a day
- 100 % natural & herbal
- Made from herbs
Care4mypet Bach Flower Relax - Cats, 10 g
- Easy to use
- Perfect for New Year's Eve
Care4mypet Bach Flowers Immune System - Cats, 10 g
- 100% natural ingredients
- From controlled organic cultivation
- Use up to several times a day
Care4mypet Bach Flowers Anti Stress - Dogs, 10 g
- Made with natural ingredients
- Support from a blend of flowers
- 100% herbal
Care4mypet Bach Flowers Immune System - Dogs, 10 g
- Natural blend
- Contains many herbs
- Perfect for restlessness
Care4mypet Bach Flowers Quick Relief - Cats & Dogs, 10 g
- 100% natural essence
- Globules with Bach flower mixture
- Specially formulated for animals
Care4mypet Bach Flower Willingness to Learn - Cats & Dogs, 10 g
- 100% natural ingredients
- Globules with Bach Flower essence
- Easy to use
Care4mypet Bach Flowers Vitality & Purification - Cats & Dogs, 10 g
- 100% natural mixture
- Safe for your cat or dog
- Easy to administer